Saturday, March 5, 2016

2 Ways to Track Homework

"I never got a copy of the homework"

"My mom was checking it last night, and she forgot to put it back in my backpack"

"Mine's not finished yet"

"Can I turn mine in tomorrow?"

These are SOME of the things I heard nearly every homework turn in day. I would spend the first 10 minutes of every class period putting out these fires.

"Yes, you were given a copy"

"It is not your mom's responsibility to put your homework in your backpack"

"Then complete it tonight and turn in it tomorrow, You will get 10 points off per day late"

"Yes, you can turn it in tomorrow, You will get 10 points off per day late."

"AND, why haven't you turned in homework for 4 weeks?"

No matter if it was September, or May, I felt like I had these conversations every homework turn in day. I began my research to find ways to help my students take responsibility for their assignments. Also  what about students who never turn in homework, and I don't noticed until I start grading the papers.

Kristine Nannini, from Young Teacher Love, had a great post on her Homework Hotspot. So, to ensure everyone is turning in homework in on time, I implemented the Homework Hotspot in my room as well.

 This system has worked so well! Students turn in their homework into their class number's spot, and I can easily tell who has and who has not turned in their homework. When students turn in homework, it covers up their number. I can easily see the numbers of students who have not turned in their homework. Now I can just say "Numbers 4,6 and 7 have not turned in their homework yet.".

Queue the previously mentioned excuses from students 4,6 and 7. I really don't have time for that, and to be honest, I don't really care.  Queue the Catch Up Station! This sits right next to my Homework Hotspot and contains, no homework slips, make up work (this also solves the "What did I miss yesterday problem") and, extra copies.

If students do not have their homework, for whatever reason, they are required to fill out a no homework slip and put it in the Homework Hotspot in place of their homework. I have taught students that I will take off 10 points for each day late, I make very few exceptions. There is a spot on this slip where students can, and normally always do, tell me why their homework is not on time. I typically get responses like "forgot it at home". But, from time to time get valid excuses like "Mom was in the hospital yesterday" and in those instances, I have grace.

Below are Freebies for you to use in your classroom.
Click here for Link

Click here for Link

Happy Homework Hunting!

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